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Frequently asked questions about Add-Ins

The Outlook AddIn has disappeared after the update

Since Mobile Master 7.3.7 the Outlook AddIn is installed with the complete Mobile Master installation.
To reinstall the Outlook AddIn start the Mobile Master installation (e.g. via the Windows control panel -> Add/remove software) and select repair or Modify and the select 'Customize' and then select the Outlook AddIn.
Note: the Outlook AddIn is installed by default, when the installer find an installed Outlook 200 or newer.

For Mobile Master 7.3.6 and older:
It could happen that the AddIn of Outlook is no longer recognized after an update. In this case, please add the AddIn manually:
- run Outlook
- Tools -> Options -> More -> advanced Options -> COM-AddIns...
- In the dialog remove the AddIn 'Mobile Master'.
- Then add the AddIn (MMOutlAddIn.dll) again.
The file MobileMasterAddIn.dll is in the directory where Mobile Master is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mobile Master)
- Maybe Outlook has to be restarted.

How can I remove the AddIn for Outlook?

In Outlook 2000-2003:
Tools -> Options -> More -> more options -> COM AddIns.
Select the Mobile Master AddIn and click at 'Remove'.

In Outlook 2007:
Tools->Trustcenter->AddIns->in the list at the bottom select 'Com-AddIns' and click 'Goto'

How can I install the Outlook addin manually?

a: Windows
Start -> Programs -> Mobile Master -> More -> Install/Uninstall Outlook Addin


b: Mobile Master:
Settings -> AddIns -> Outlook -> Install


c: Outlook:
Select Tools -> Options -> More -> Advanced Options -> Com AddIn. Then select 'Add' and choose the file 'MMOutlookAddIn.dll'.

After uninstalling Mobile Master Outlook complains that the AddIn cannot be loaded

Solution 1:
Download the file unregaddins.reg and run it.

Solution 2:
Install Mobile Master again, and then in the Start menu -> Mobile Master -> More -> Install or Uninstall Mobile Master AddIn for Outlook 2000-03 and then press Uninstall.

Solution 3:
Remove the following key in the registry:

After uninstalling Mobile Master Outlook complains that the file mmredemp.dll cannot be found

Please reinstall Mobile Master. Then select Start menu -> Run and type regsvr32 /u "C:\Programs\Mobile Master\mmredemp.dll" *) and press enter. Afterwards uninstall Mobile Master again.

*) or regsvr32 /u "C:\Programs\Mobile Master\redemption.dll" if you use Mobile Master 6.1.0 or older

How can I remove the AddIn for Lotus Notes?

Mobile Master 7.3.7 or newer:
Start the Mobile Master installation, e.g. via the control panel or in Mobile Master -> Settings -> AddIns -> Lotus Notes -> Uninstall.
In the installation click and Modify and the click at the icon right to 'AddIn for Lotus Notes' and selct 'This feature will not be installed'

Mobile Master 7.3.6 or older:
Start menu -> Mobile Master -> More -> Install/Uninstall the AddIn for Lotus Notes
open the notes.ini and remove 'MMNotesAddin.dll' from the line starting with 'AddInMenus='

After uninstalling Mobile Master the addin for Plam Desktop is still there

Solution 1:
Download and run unregaddins.reg.

Solution 2:
Reinstall Mobile Master, then select Start menu -> Mobile Master -> More -> Install or Uninstall Mobile Master AddIn for Palm Desktop and select uninstall.

Do I need the Thunderbird AddOn/Extension?

Yes, it is neccessary for data (contacts) exchange between Mobile Master and Thunderbird.

Thunderbird: how to install the Thunderbird AddOn/Extension manually

You should have installed Thunderbird 1.0.2 or newer

Open Thunderbird, menu Tools -> AddOn / Extension and install the file mobilemaster.xpi, which you can find in the Mobile Masters program folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mobile Master)

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