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Frequently asked questions about Online-Order Process

During the order I have selected to pay via money transfer. Now I can not find the bank details anymore.

Account Holder/ Recipient: element 5 AG
Address of Recipient:
element 5 AG, Vogelsanger Str. 78, 50823 Köln, Deutschland

Acount Number: 692 77 506
Bank Number: 370 100 50
Bank Name: Deutsche Postbank AG (Postbank Köln)
IBAN: DE60 3701 0050 0069 2775 06
Reason for payment: Order Number: Your purchase order number

I have not received my license file yet, although the money is already transfered

You have ordered via the online form (ShareIt/digitla river)

When the order process is completed successfully you will get a confirmation e-mail from ShareIt/element5. After your credit card is charged or your payment is received by ShareIt/element5, you will get an additional e-mail with a download link for your license file. For further requests, please contact ShareIt:
+49 (0) 221 310880
ShareIt is processing all orders.

How do I get my license?

After the online order you get a confirmation e-mail from ShareIt/element5. If you do not get this confirmation e-mail, the order process was not completed sucessfully. Please order online again.
After your credit card is charged or your payment is received by ShareIt/element5, you get an additional e-mail with a download link for your license file.
Download your license file and double click on it, or copy it into the directory where Mobile Master is installed.

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