Mobile Master Copy Station
Destination: other Smartphone
Mobile Master offers these solutions to transfer the contacts/address book to your smartphones:
1. Send contacts by Email
In this scenario Mobile Master creates and sends an email including then contacts in a file. At the smartphone you must be able to receive that email. Open it and import the attached file.
2. Via Dropbox or Sugarsync
You already use Dropbox or Sugarsync? Mobile Master just copies the contacts to your Dropbox- or Sugarsync folder. When it has been synchronized with your Galaxy smartphone, you can impoort that file to your address book.
3. Via memory/SD card or phone memory
You can either connect your phone as drive or as MTP device, or you insert the phones memory card to your computers memory card reader. Mobile Master then copied the contacts onto it.
After that unplug the phone or reinster the SD card to your smartphone and import the contacts.